Exercise 10 - Shape optimizationĀ¶
from math import sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from torchfem.elements import Quad1
from torchfem.io import import_mesh
from torchfem.materials import IsotropicPlaneStress
Task 1 - Analysis of stress in a filletĀ¶
We import the mesh from a file named "mesh/fillet.vtu" using the function import_mesh(filename, E, nu)
. The mesh file should be placed in a subdirectory mesh
in the same directory as this notebook. It contains a fillet geometry meshed with quadrilateral elements. It is assigned symmetry boundary conditions at the left and bottom boundary as well as load at the right boundary.
# Define Material
material = IsotropicPlaneStress(E=1000.0, nu=0.3)
# Import mesh
fillet = import_mesh("fillet.vtu", material)
# Constrain left boundary
left = fillet.nodes[:, 0] == 0.0
fillet.constraints[left, 0] = True
# Constrain bottom boundary
bottom = fillet.nodes[:, 1] == 0.0
fillet.constraints[bottom, 1] = True
# Force at right boundary
right = fillet.nodes[:, 0] == 60.0
fillet.forces[right, 0] = 1.0
fillet.forces[1, 0] = 0.5
fillet.forces[2, 0] = 0.5
# Plot the fillet
a) Solve the FEM problem and plot the displacement magnitude.
# Solve
u, f = fillet.solve()
# Plot
fillet.plot(u, node_property=torch.norm(u, dim=1))
b) You are given a function named mises_stress(u)
. It takes a displacement solution u
as argument and returns the v. Mises stress for all elements in the FEM model.
Try to understand the code and write down what is happening in this code using the notation from the lecture.
quad = Quad1()
def mises_stress(u):
mises = []
for element in fillet.elements:
# Extract node positions of element
xe = fillet.nodes[element, :]
# Extract displacement degrees of freedom
ue = u[element, :].ravel()
# Set position of evaluation
xi = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0])
# Jacobian
J = quad.B(xi) @ xe
# Compute B
B = torch.linalg.inv(J) @ quad.B(xi)
zeros = torch.zeros(quad.nodes)
# Compute D
D0 = torch.stack([B[0, :], zeros], dim=-1).ravel()
D1 = torch.stack([zeros, B[1, :]], dim=-1).ravel()
D2 = torch.stack([B[1, :], B[0, :]], dim=-1).ravel()
D = torch.stack([D0, D1, D2])
# Compute stress
s = material.C() @ D @ ue
mises.append(torch.sqrt(s[0] ** 2 + s[1] ** 2 - s[0] * s[1] + 3 * s[2] ** 2))
return torch.stack(mises)
# Plot the results
stress = mises_stress(u)
fillet.plot(u, element_property=stress, cmap="inferno", vmax=0.8)
c) Compute the maximum v. Mises stress in the component.
Task 2 - Morph functions for the filletĀ¶
We want to optimize the fillet shape. To do so, we define shape modifications based on radial basis functions at four nodes at the fillet.
a) Precompute the values of a radial basis function
$$\varphi(r) = \exp(-(\epsilon r)^2)$$
with $\epsilon=0.2$ for all nodes.
# Distances between all nodes - use torch.cdist()
r = torch.cdist(fillet.nodes, fillet.nodes)
# Set epsilon
epsilon = 0.2
# Compute phi
phi = torch.exp(-((epsilon * r) ** 2))
b) Plot the precomputed radial basis function associated with Node 3 as a node property on the mesh. How do you interpret this plot?
# Extract function values for RBF associated with Node 3
rbf_3 = phi[3, :]
fillet.plot(u, node_property=rbf_3)
c) Implement a function morph(fem, nids, x, dir)
that adjusts the nodal positions of nodes with IDs nids
in the fem
model to the values x
in direction dir
def morph(fem, nids, x, dir):
# Build matrix
M = phi[:, nids]
M = M[nids, :]
# Solve linear equation system
weights = torch.linalg.solve(M, x - fem.nodes[nids, dir])
# Apply deformation
fem.nodes[:, dir] += weights @ phi[nids, :]
Task 3 - Optimize the fillet shapeĀ¶
Now, we want to find the optimal position of four control points given by the IDs 3
, 5
, 7
, and 58
to minimize the maximum stress in the fillet. These nodes are located along the fillet radius:
# Chosen control nodes
control_nodes = [3, 5, 7, 58]
# Plot the base mesh
# Plot control nodes
cx = fillet.nodes[control_nodes, 0]
cy = fillet.nodes[control_nodes, 1]
plt.scatter(cx, cy, marker="o", color="black")
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x16e283410>
You are provided with the following two functions from previous exercises for optimization.
def box_constrained_decent(
func, x_init, x_lower, x_upper, eta=0.1, max_iter=100, tol=1e-10
x = x_init.clone().requires_grad_()
for i in range(max_iter):
x_old = x.clone()
grad = torch.autograd.grad(func(x).sum(), x)[0]
x = x - eta * grad
x = torch.clamp(x, x_lower, x_upper)
if torch.norm(x - x_old) < tol:
return x
return x
def MMA(func, x_k, L_k, U_k):
x_lin = x_k.clone().requires_grad_()
grads = torch.autograd.grad(func(x_lin), x_lin)[0]
pg = grads >= 0.0
ng = grads < 0.0
f_k = func(x_k)
def approximation(x):
p = torch.zeros_like(grads)
p[pg] = (U_k[pg] - x_k[pg]) ** 2 * grads[pg]
q = torch.zeros_like(grads)
q[ng] = -((x_k[ng] - L_k[ng]) ** 2) * grads[ng]
return (
- torch.sum(p / (U_k - x_k) + q / (x_k - L_k))
+ torch.sum(p / (U_k - x) + q / (x - L_k))
return approximation
a) We need to define the objective function f
. Given the positions of our control nodes x
, compute the five largest v. Mises stresses in the fillet and return the sum of them as value of the objective function.
def f(x):
# Update nodes
morph(fillet, control_nodes, x, 1)
# Solve fem with updated nodes
u_k, f_k = fillet.solve()
# Compute stress
stress = mises_stress(u_k)
# Return top 5 stresses
top5 = torch.topk(stress, 5)[0]
return top5.sum()
b) Why might it be better to return the sum of the top five stresses instead of just the maximum value? What alternatives can you think of?
c) The following function performs optimization of the objective function via MMA. Why are there no Lagrange multipliers?
def optimize(x_0, x_min, x_max, iter):
s = 0.5
# Set up lists for L, U, x
L = []
U = []
x = [x_0]
objective = [f(x_0)]
for k in range(iter):
# Update asymptotes with heuristic procedure (see Exercise 04)
if k <= 1:
L.append(x[k] - s * (x_max - x_min))
U.append(x[k] + s * (x_max - x_min))
L_k = torch.zeros_like(L[k - 1])
U_k = torch.zeros_like(U[k - 1])
# Shrink all oscillating asymptotes
osci = (x[k] - x[k - 1]) * (x[k - 1] - x[k - 2]) < 0.0
L_k[osci] = x[k][osci] - s * (x[k - 1][osci] - L[k - 1][osci])
U_k[osci] = x[k][osci] + s * (U[k - 1][osci] - x[k - 1][osci])
# Expand all non-oscillating asymptotes
L_k[~osci] = x[k][~osci] - 1 / sqrt(s) * (x[k - 1][~osci] - L[k - 1][~osci])
U_k[~osci] = x[k][~osci] + 1 / sqrt(s) * (U[k - 1][~osci] - x[k - 1][~osci])
# Compute lower move limit in this step
x_min_k = torch.max(x_min, 0.9 * L[k] + 0.1 * x[k])
x_max_k = torch.min(x_max, 0.9 * U[k] + 0.1 * x[k])
# Compute the current approximation function and save gradients
f_tilde = MMA(f, x[k], L[k], U[k])
# Compute the maximum of the dual function
x_star = box_constrained_decent(f_tilde, x_0, x_min_k, x_max_k, eta=10.0)
# Compute current optimal point with dual solution
return x, objective
d) Set the initial design variables to the vertical position of the control nodes. Set x_min
and x_max
such that they can move up and down by 1 and run the optimization for 30 iterations.
# Bounds on variables
x_0 = fillet.nodes[control_nodes, 1]
x_min = x_0 - 1.0
x_max = x_0 + 1.0
x_opt, f_opt = optimize(x_0, x_min, x_max, 30)
e) Plot the evolution of the objective value and the design variables vs. iteration count.
plt.ylabel("Design variables")
f) Plot the stress in the optimized design
u, f = fillet.solve()
stress = mises_stress(u)
fillet.plot(element_property=stress, cmap="inferno", vmax=0.8)
# plt.scatter(
# fillet.nodes[control_nodes, 0].detach(),
# fillet.nodes[control_nodes, 1].detach(),
# marker="o",
# color="black",
# )
g) What is the new maximum stress? Discuss the effect of the improvement.
tensor(0.6048, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)